Bonus Material: Get The 3 Step Podcast Promotion Playbook

Is your podcast growing your business?

With the right strategies, podcasting can be an incredibly effective tool to increase your reach, land more clients and amplify your authority.

To maximize the effectiveness of podcasting for business, you need to consider key elements such as creating strategic content, utilizing clear call-to-actions, and integrating your podcast with other marketing efforts.

Discover how podcasting for business can help take your company to new heights.

Table of Contents:

Strategy #1: Leverage Your Podcast Host Status to Amplify Authority

As a podcast host, you have a unique opportunity to establish yourself as an authority in your industry. By hosting a podcast on a particular topic, new listeners naturally assume that you possess expertise in the subject matter and are knowledgeable about what you’re discussing.

By leveraging this status, you can amplify your authority among potential clients and build trust with them. So don’t forget to mention ‘podcast host’ as your title when someone asks what you do professionally.

Key Takeaway: As a podcast host, you can use your platform to establish yourself as an authority and cultivate trust with potential customers. Leverage your status to give yourself an edge over others in the same field.

Strategy #2: Create Conversion Content for Your Audience

Creating strategic content for your podcast audience is key to building an engaged and loyal following.

Conversion content:

  • Educates, inspires and entertains
  • Excites and engages
  • Motivates action (this is the conversion)

It’s important to understand what topics will interest your target audience, but it’s even more important to make your content authentic.

Our client, Nicole Spencer, is a great example of this. Her podcast is focused on giving her audience tidbits of information, lessons she has learned throughout her business growth, and interviews with her clients who have seen the success she offers. By offering this for free to her audience she allows potential clients to see what she delivers and what her business stands for.

When recording your podcast episodes, aim to engage your audience by sharing your perspective through statements or thought-provoking questions. Additionally, leverage social proof, case studies, personal anecdotes, and other storytelling techniques to emphasize your points.

It’s important to infuse your unique personality into each episode, allowing your audience to connect with you on a more personal level.

The assumption of this article is that you’re consistently sharing your new episodes with your email list and social followers.

Here’s the simple, 3 Step Playbook we use (with Templates) to make this as easy and effective as possible:

Key Takeaway: Conversion Content creates an engaged and loyal following. Make sure to make your content authentic by letting your personality shine through in every episode.

Strategy #3: Utilize Clear Call-to-Actions

Call-to-actions are an essential part of any successful podcast. By providing listeners with a clear path to action, you can ensure that your podcast is driving tangible results for your business. Here’s how to create effective call-to-actions in each episode:

Start by Establishing Your Goals:

Before creating a call-to-action, it’s important to have a specific goal in mind. Would you like them to register for your mailing list? Do you want them to download a free guide? Make sure you know exactly what the desired outcome should be before crafting your CTA.

Make it Clear and Concise:

When creating a call-to-action, keep it short and sweet. Use simple language that clearly explains what the listener needs to do next and why they should do it. For example, “Visit our website at [url] for more information about our services.”

Include Actionable Language:

A call-to-action should always include words like “sign up” or “download now” which make it easier for listeners to take action quickly. This will help drive more conversions from your audience.

Be Specific About What They Will Receive:

People are more likely to take action if they know exactly what they will get out of it – so make sure you specify what benefits the listener will receive when taking the desired action.

Provide listeners with visual cues to make taking action easier. Include links within the show notes so they can quickly find where they need to go after hearing your call-to-action. This is especially useful if there’s no transcript available, or if someone wants quick access without having to re-listen.

Our client, Andrew Youderian of eCommerceFuel, includes everything mentioned in his show (including any calls-to-action) in his show notes. Our writers keep an ear out for what was mentioned and if there is something specific that needs to be promoted, it will always be included in the resources section:

Once you’ve identified where you want to send listeners, experiment with various versions of the call-to-action to determine which yields the best results. This could mean tweaking wording slightly or changing placement within episodes altogether. Experimentation is key here so don’t be afraid to try something new every once in a while.

By utilizing clear call-to-actions, you can ensure that your listeners are able to take the necessary steps to get involved with what you have to offer.

Key Takeaway: You need to give your listeners a clear path to action by creating effective call-to-actions in each episode. Start by establishing your goals, make them concise and include actionable language, be specific about what they will receive, and provide visual cues for taking the desired actions – this way you can drive more conversions from your audience.

Strategy #4: Integrate your podcast into your current marketing efforts

As a business owner with a podcast, it’s essential to ensure your content is reaching the right people. Integrating your podcast into your current marketing efforts can help you do just that. Here are some tips for making sure you’re getting the most out of every opportunity:

Social bios:

Include a link to your podcast in your social media profiles, so followers and potential listeners can quickly access it. You could also mention what topics or themes they should expect from each episode so they have an idea of what they’ll be listening to before clicking play.

Email Signature:

Include a call-to-action at the end of every email signature that directs readers to check out one of your latest episodes or subscribe if they haven’t already done so. This will help in raising awareness and keeping individuals informed on all the wonderful material you’re generating.

Something similar to what our client, Beate Chelette, uses in her emails and show notes should do the trick:

About Page:

Use the about page on your website as an opportunity to tell visitors more about yourself and why listeners should tune in regularly for new episodes. Explain why each topic matters, how it’s relevant, and how it can benefit their lives.

Email Welcome Sequence:

If someone subscribes via email, send them through an automated welcome sequence that introduces them to who you are and provides links directly back to recent podcasts featuring key topics related specifically to them. This is another great way to ensure that subscribers are hearing exactly what they need when tuning into new episodes.

By integrating your podcast into your current marketing efforts, you can keep your existing audience engaged in your marketing ecosystem, and nurture their relationship with your company until they are ready to become a client.

Key Takeaway: As a business owner it’s important to include your podcast in other marketing efforts. This includes optimizing social media bios, and utilizing email signatures and welcome sequences as direct pathways back to relevant episodes.

Strategy #5: Continuously reach new audiences

Before marketing to new audiences, ensure you consistently promote your new episodes with your current audience.

Here’s the simple system we use, with “Fill-in-the-blanks” templates for each step:

Utilizing a comprehensive growth strategy is critical to ensure your podcast reaches potential new clients on an ongoing basis. Here are our favorite ways to reach new listeners for your podcast:

Paid Traffic:

Investing in paid traffic such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads can be a great way to get your podcast out there quickly. You’ll want to ensure that you target the right audience with your ads so they actually engage with your content. Investing in paid traffic can provide valuable data about who is drawn to your podcast and how best to reach them.

Podcast Interview Tours:

Guesting on other podcasts is another great way to reach new audiences and gain exposure for yourself and your business. Look for opportunities where you can provide value by offering advice on topics related to your expertise, then use those appearances as a chance to promote yourself further through social media or email marketing campaigns.

Partnerships & Events:

Partnering up with other businesses or attending events related to your industry can be beneficial when it comes to growing your audience base too. Look for partnerships with businesses offering different services to a similar target audience.

Key Takeaway: To reach new audiences and grow your podcast, consider investing in paid traffic; do a podcast interview tour; and partner up with other businesses or attend events. Put all these strategies into play, hit it out of the park, and watch your listener base skyrocket.

FAQs in Relation to Podcasting for Business

How can a podcast help your business?

Podcasting is an invaluable tool for businesses to reach their target audience and grow. Podcasting offers an avenue to communicate your narrative and know-how with the global population. Through podcasting, you can build relationships with potential customers and create brand loyalty by providing valuable content that people want to hear. Podcasting can help you extend your reach beyond regional boundaries and set yourself up as an expert in your area. Ultimately, podcasting helps businesses increase visibility while building trust within their community.

What is podcasting in business?

Podcasting in business is a technique of producing and circulating sound material for different aims, such as promotion, teaching or amusement. It can be used to reach a wide audience by leveraging existing platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Businesses use podcasts to promote their products and services, educate customers about topics related to their industry, or simply entertain listeners with interesting stories. Podcasts are becoming more and more attractive to businesses as an economical option when compared with other types of advertising.

Is podcasting profitable?

Yes, podcasting can be profitable. With the right strategies and execution, podcasts have the potential to generate income through sponsorships, advertising revenue, affiliate marketing opportunities and selling products or services. Additionally, having an engaged audience can help create more visibility for businesses that may lead to new customers or clients. Creating top-notch content and fostering relationships with listeners is key to achieving success as a podcaster.


In conclusion, podcasting for business can be an effective way to reach and nurture potential clients. By creating strategic content that resonates with your audience, utilizing clear call-to-actions and integrating the podcast into current marketing efforts you will have a greater chance of converting listeners into customers. Especially when you are consistent in reaching new audiences of podcast listeners, you can expect a positive return on your podcasting efforts.

Are you ready to reach the next level of podcasting success, but you could use some guidance from an experienced podcast coach? Check out our podcast partner service.

Ben Krueger

Written by Ben Krueger

Founder and Chief Podcast Educator at Cashflow Podcasting. Ben specializes in helping thought leaders and entrepreneurs amplify their impact through podcasting. He’s a world traveller, outdoor sports junkie and future enthusiast!

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